Do you fear death...?

Do you or not? and why?


lol to your answer tom! but no fear of dying, or the unknown and how you might die?


  • No, but I do fear that it may hurt during the transition.

  • Hmm, I don't wish it or wish it upon anyone else, but have no reason to fear it. This life is meant to be temporary, don't take it for granted and take each day as a blessing. Death isn't necessarily the end either, if you so choose, the soul/spirit could live on?

  • No. I have come to terms with it. All that begins also ends. That is the nature of everything in this universe. The fact that all the things I love including my own life could disappear and change at any moment makes me enjoy them more while they are still there.

  • no just the fact that i know i will die is enough to make the fear go away for me, i would fear death if it just happened randomly to a handful of people every now and then

  • I fear the dying part but I am not afraid of after that because then I will be in Heavan.

  • i dont fear death b/c its a part of life, but i do fear an early death and not being able to live the life i want to live

  • Not death. Just the WAY of dying. The not knowing of how.

  • Actually no.

    Death is something you can never escape, and is unpredictable.

    I do fear the death of more of my family though...

  • not really, then kinda. i embrace death. i just want to die an innocent woman.

    believe it or not, my own death is important to me. i'm not afraid, i wait for it.

  • Nope. Caused I'd like to die to be honest.

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