How is Algebra II essential to our daily lives?

I can see how math skills like Algebra I and Geometry can be useful in our lives, but Algebra II seems mostly pointless. When are we going to use to equations like x^+2xh+h^2=(x+h) in our lifetime and why do we need to "study" things like this? I can understand if you were going to become a scientist, an astronomer or something in that field. However most people don't go into these "advanced" fields nor do most people even graduate college.

No one I know say they've used Algebra 2 material in their lifetime. Not even my father, who's been a carpenter, a plumber and an electirican, etc has used Algebra II.


  • it isnt. you will never need to know somthing like x+5/17=y in your life. it is stupid, unless your going to become a math teacher, you shouldn't need it

  • Hello.

    Whether you like it or not, many careers require that you have an understanding of calculus. You must know Algebra before you can do Calculus, as some Calculus requires tricky modifications to the problem (that keep the expression the same, but make it more easily evaluable)

  • I asked my teacher the same question, and what did she do? She gave me a list of hundreds of careers that use algebra 2 concepts. Careers like construction, business, and even being a manager and/or boss. There were a lot of careers that don't seem to use math (even "non-advanced" careers) but actually do, so don't slack off in algebra 2. You never know what will happen in your future.

  • Because a lot of degrees these days require calculus, which requires Algebra II.

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