Vampirisim as a mental disorder?

Considering the influx of wannabe vampires and people that delusionally(I don't think that's spelled right.) think they are vampires - i would like to ask a question.

If a person shows an average intelligence, and is firmly rooted in reality outside of their "I'm going to live forever by drinking blood and BLEH!" delusion, what would you assume is the diagnosis?

Usually the people that believe they are vampires are in their teens to mid-twenties, and i'd assume that most grow out of this belief system by time they're turning 30 and getting wrinkles, but, for the 15-25 year olds that take vampires way too seriously, be they the kind to find a "coven"(LMAO.) or be they the kind to "keep it a secret", what comes first to your mind?

Schizotypcal personality? Schizophrenia(This sounds unlikely due to some of these kids being firmly rooted in reality otherwise.) Narcissistic personality disorder? Histrionic personality disorder?

So, again, without the useless text for you:

15-25 year olds, with an average intelligence, thinks they are a vampire, but otherwise sane and nondelusional.


I love how you all assume that i think people with Psychological disorders are somehow unintelligent.

It's something that is usually included in case studies.


  • Michele is correct. It would still be delusional disorder. The level of intelligence doesn't matter. Did you know people with schizophrenia (complete with hallucinations, etc) can be geniuses? Also, people with no mental health disorders can be as dumb as a post (assuming it doesn't reach MR levels). You should never assume that because someone has a mental health disorder they are somehow unintelligent.

  • The scenario you describe would clearly be diagnosable as a Delusional Disorder - grandiose type. This condition has nothing to do with intelligence, nor do sufferers display other psychotic symptoms (e.g., hallucinations) independent of their primary non-bizarre delusion. The critical feature is one or more entrenched, non-bizarre delusions. In your example, a delusion that they are a "vampire".

    ~Dr. B.~

  • Vampirism is so weird .. Ppl are taking Twilight too seriously lol and it's so sick and sad to see but funny at moments bc some ppl have weak minds!

  • I think ignorantism is the diagnosis, ha.

    As long as they don't hurt anyone it is quite okay for people to have strange wishes such as this.

    I am pretty sure they know they are not, they just wish to be. Like when big girls go out in little dresses. They wish to be barbie so bad, and they sometimes, I believe, think they are.

  • honestly i have no idea what you said but i dont THINK i am a vampire i KNOW i am a vampire

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