does netflix do credit check also?

yeah i was curious if they also check your credit like everyone else on the planet..if you go to burger king they now run your credit history..its getting crazee..


  • No credit check on Netflix. You just give them your address, pick a plan and pay with a debit or credit card. By the way, the service and turn around time on movies is great!!!!!

  • No I do not believe they check your credit at all. I have netflix and all they required was a checking account debit card or credit card that they will automatically bill you for. (Name, address phone number of course)

    If after a lengthy period of time, you wind up not returning a movie and no longer have an active account they will bill your credit/debit card for the cost of the movie. (They may report that to a credit bureau if your account goes into collection.)

    I really like netflix, by the way. I do not have to pay late fees and so am free to keep a movie for a month if I choose without penatly and I am always happy to get my movies in the mail!

    Hope this answers your questions

  • You need a credit card.

  • no they do not but make sure you look at my site i provide for you about NETFLIX

  • No, I'm pretty sure they do not. I think you only have to have a checking account...but I'm sure if you have had several payments that didn't go through and they are not collecting any money and you still have movies they would send it to a collection agency...

  • haha ya i know what you mean. and no they do not :)

  • no they do not - if you don't pay your monthly fee they stop your service

  • No they do not.

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