My ex is controlling my pregnancy?

I'm pregnant but me and the dad have split. I've told him he can be involved with the baby but he's being so controlling over everything. He's insisting that the baby either has his surname or it has both but it HAS to be his name last so it's actually known as his surname. And he's also already saying how much contact he wants and it's way too much, I'll hardly have time with the baby myself. I'm scared if I stand up to him he'll try and have the baby taken away from me when it's born :(


  • You are the mother, there is no way that he would get full custody over the baby unless you were an unfit mother. You tell HIM how it's gonna go. He really has no say.

  • Well if you dont say anything you will hardly ever see your baby,you know that from what hes telling you.If you do standup for yourself the courts will probably be in your favor the only reason a court will grant full custody or partial custody to someone else is if the mom is mentally unstable,on drugs,non decent liveing conditions.Infants and newborns need both parents but mostly the mom for nurturing reasons.Please stand up for your baby girl your carrying it and pushing it out dont let anyone run you over if you got to court they will probably just tell you the dad can have a few hours visitation at the most 1 night stay over.Good luck with everything!!!!CONGRATS!!!

  • Don't let him bully you. You're the one carrying this baby and you're the one who will be the primary care giver. You call the shots. Raising a child isn't easy and you'll probably have a lot of disagreements. You should learn to stand up to your ex now. Is there any reason why you would be an unfit mother? If not than he'll have a hard time taking the baby from you. In a lot of states he'd have trouble even if you were unfit. Just let him know that you want him in the baby's life but on your terms.

  • Unfortunately he has rights to the child as much as you do.

    When it comes to things like this, the courts are best to be involved they can control how much he can see the child.

    Usually he will be able to see them every weekend or so depends on the agreement.

    Don't be scared to stand up to him just let him know that you will let the courts handle the visitation rights.

    My child doesn't have my last name at all he has his father's. Which I don't really mind, however just make sure he has the last name and signs the birth certificate that way he will pay child support.

    The posters above are correct, you are the mother and unless you are unfit you will be calling the shots. A man has to prove he can be a good father, we all know that he is a good sperm donor but can he prove to be a good dad?

  • He's right with the surname it should be his - after all he is the Dad and he is going to be involved in his or her life. As for contact the most he should ask for is 50%.

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