how to present ur project?

hi i am 10 th class student parpering project on consmers awerness.


  • i didnt understand ur ???????

  • consumer awareness huh?

    for a good presentation you must start your project with acknowledgement,sources,then time taken.then indexthen go for introduction like what is consumer awareness and its importance.then the main body of project where you can cite examples of consumer exploitation and its adverse effects etcand when all this is over you write the conclusion of the project.

    P.S- i am assuming you have all the data ready so i laid stress on the presentation part and also make it neat use sketch pens to write the topics and sub topics with black pen.write the main body with blue pen and try to make minimum number of mistakes

    good luck

  • ices by bad business people in selling product & services.

    How consumer should be aware & alert.

    From where consumer can get information to be alert & informed.

    What legislations are passed by govenrments in various nations (focus on your nation only).

    What are the ways & means of redressal of grievances.

    What should be right practices regarding this issue by business /service providers.

    If one is collecting cases of consumer being cheated by dangerous products sold & its effects , or in hotel services stale food being served /food prepared is based on dangerous rawmaterials,etc provide the same in the report.Food poisoning cases unhygenic kitchen /dirty hotel

  • hey 1st u must prepare urself throughly...u must know every nook n corner of ur project..dat doesnt mean u need to by-heart..u must understand every concept of ur project.. n be ready to answer ne Q posed..

    listen, always keep ur confidence high! n b optimistic..evn if u feel ur going nowhere in between..coz a lost key is never lost..u can always find it if u have determination n dedication..

    All The Best...n God bless You!!

  • Give title of the project

    Provide the background & introduction about the topic ( little information about the nature of topic & its importance for present day.

    Develop write up about the topic with meaning, how consumers are cheated , dangers of lack of awareness,corrupt practices by bad business people in selling product & services.

    How consumer should be aware & alert.

    From where consumer can get information to be alert & informed.

    What legislations are passed by govenrments in various nations (focus on your nation only).

    What are the ways & means of redressal of grievances.

    What should be right practices regarding this issue by business /service providers.

    If one is collecting cases of consumer being cheated by dangerous products sold & its effects , or in hotel services stale food being served /food prepared is based on dangerous rawmaterials,etc provide the same in the report.Food poisoning cases unhygenic kitchen /dirty hotel management in a hotel etc.

    give list of legislation for the consumer protection & consumer forums available in the nation/area you are covering for project.About more than twenty(20) different legislations are passed in India. more sensitive are allopathic pharma products, cosmetics,hair dyes, ready food /instant food items.similarly electronics products.

    Lastly provide conclusion & suggestion

    Provide References made

    good wishes

  • do like a little skit in the grocery store

    make it entertaining and if u can have props

    confidence is key, if u are confident people will like it

    add some humor too

    Good luck

  • Go above and beyond. Do a newscast or something along those lines.

  • i don't understand. are you trying to present on how to get the costumers attention?

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