photo essay help please?

i have a photo essay and i have to have 16 or more pictures to do my essay.. i cant have anything writen on it pictures have to be my essay.. my 1st picture has to be my thesis and last picture my conclusion and all in between have to show my evidence for my title of my essay is "smoking consequences" i hve some photos but i want to know if anybody can help my find really good pictures and maybe someone has an idea of how i could organize my essay and what could be my picture for my thesis and what picture would be good for my conclusion .. if anybody has any idea and if e body is willig to help thanks .. i really appreciate it..


  • Why not go to the cancer society web page I'm sure they have lots of pictures to deter people from smoking.

    Or you can look for fanatical people that have quit smoking, they are usually the first to preach on how bad it is for you.

    I am assuming you want to do it on the health effect that is being preached in North America right now and not the data they have in Europe that proves the N.A. theories inaccurate and blown out of proportion.

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