Do I have a mental disorder?

I never really thought anything of this, the only reason i'm asking is because it's affecting my daily life a lot, and it's getting really annoying. I can't sleep MOST nights in fear someone is going to kill me. I try talking to myself and keeping the lights on and telling myself my parents are home and to not be afraid... it went from me being scared being alone to me being scared even when my parents are home at night. During the day i'm fine aslong as i'm upstairs, but generally I hate being inside. Lack of sleep causes me to be tired and depressed, which resulted in a decrease in friends over the years. I used to be so social, friendly, highstrong with debates, daring, FUN, and I was in on every discussion in class. Over the past two years i've become quiet, socially awkward, scared, I think about everything I say now... and I just... suck. I also jumped out of a two story window into snow once because I saw the doorknob move when no one was home. I see people, animals, and weird things all the time that most of the time I know are not there. I was thinking I might have a mental disorder because inside I believe I have one but I know by believing I have one I probably don't have one, and i've always thought I was completely fine, and i'm starting to think I may have problems. I don't know. Just, my life has taken a turn for the worse, and I want it to go back to normal. Thanks for the help.


Also, I went from getting 10, to 8, to 6 or less hours of sleep a night depending on how paranoid i'm feeling.


  • I'm 16 and I've felt the same way for a long time. I finally talked to my parents about it, began seeing a therapist, and found out that I have severe anxiety. I am now taking medication for it and sleep better already. Don't worry, you're not alone. P.S. I made myself feel soooo guilty by knowing that I had a problem but not believing myself.

  • Yep that's a mental disorder

  • hun you need to talk to someone. this isnt healthy for you and youre going to end up hurting yourself unless you get help. tell your parents. a friend. anyone that can get you help.

  • Yes...see a psychiatrist.

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