Homemade Ice Cream?

Can someone tell me how to make Ice Cream? I want a recipe that is fairly easy. It doesn't matter what flavor, because I like them all.




    4 bananas

    1 carton frozen strawberries

    1 can chunk pineapple

    6 oz. chopped pecans

    1 quart half and half

    1 can sweetened condensed milk

    3/4 tsp. vanilla

    1 small lime


    Mash 3 bananas and cut the other one in (round) slices. Add the juice from one small lime. Add vanilla, half and half and the can of sweetened condensed milk. Add can of pineapple and its juice. Add the frozen strawberries and pecans. Add milk to finish filling ice cream freezer Pour into freezer and freeze as any other ice cream.

  • get a big zip lock bag and a smaller one that can fit inside the other one in the smaller bag put 1cup condensed milk tsp of salt and a 1/4 cup sugar seal baggy place inside larger bag put ice around the smaller bag inside the larger bag leave some room for the ice to shack around and just toss it around your kids could for fun or u and someone else until u see it thicking up and eat it

  • This recipe is easy to follow; doesn't require a machine; and is utterly delicious!


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