Unexpected Menstrual Period? HELP!?

I always get my period every 25 days, it's been like that for many years. I am 20 years old. I had my period 2 weeks ago and without any signs (breast pain, or lower abdominal pain) i got an unexpected period and i am bleeding hard. What can be the cause for it? I took a pregnancy test and i am not pregnant. What could this be?


  • Well, you aren't ALWAYS going to get your period when it's expected. Sometimes you are just off by a couple days, and your flow is unusual; the last period i had was only for like... 3 days and it was very light. I didn't really know why, but now I'm perfectly back on track. So don't be worried about it, because sometimes your period isn't always going to be like all the other ones. Hope I helped!

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