how much does enviormental stimuli affect a dogs development?

Like my sister is always screaming, jumping around, running and being extremely hyper which I can't blame her, she has ADHD, and she's ten. What I want to know is how much of this will affect my now one year old portugese water dog that's allready hyper? We are really trying to calm her down with exrisise and plenty of mental stimulation. How much of my sisters actions will dictate how the dog grows up and what she is going to end up like? I read somewhere that dogs develop a lot based on their enviorment that they were raised in, dogs around yelling people tend to be more vocal for example. Thanks!


  • Dogs find how they are raised the normal, the only side affect I can think of your dog growing up around a yelling, bouncing child is that she will be more tolerable with yelling bouncing kids

    And a dog raised around yelling people aren't necessarily going to be vocal... my pomeranian was raised in a puppy mill, then later with elderly people, she is LOUD

    my family tends to be noisy, yet both my puppy (my profile picture) and my sisters chihuahua, and my mom's pomeranian, who we got at younger ages, are quiet. My dad's doberman was raised in an abusive home (husband abused wife, kids, and dogs) yet she's gentle and quiet, the only thing is she is extremely protective to ALL children

  • My experience is a dog will adapt to the new environment. So if you up and move with your dog and everything is quiet, the dog will more than likely calm down as well. I don't know about that loud owner / loud dog statement, but I can tell you my experience is that dogs are very much like people in the respect that every dog has an individual personality, and a quiet person isn't going to necessarily be loud around loud people.

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