how do i become a pokemon master?

i wanna b the very best like no 1 ever was, to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause...

i wanna be a pokemon master! has anyone here ever become one? if so please tell me how!!!



  • I have been a pokemon master for a few years. I could put through my rigorous training session, but I don't think you're up to it.

  • well, if u want to be the best, u have to have the most powerful pokemon. have all the pokemon at all lv 100. have all the pokemon in the world. if u havent already done that, train them the best u can and battle the elite 4 as much as possible. catch all the pokemon u can and trade with other friends to get pokemon u havent got yet. if u want to do everything the easy way, buy an action replay or a gameshark. with those u can get cheats and do all that without the need to train. thats what i did =). right now im unstoppable but i hope helped.

  • You don't have to repeat the question. In the anime? No. I can't remember 100% of the details, but I saw a post a while back where it says the creator of the anime wanted Ash (Satoshi in the Japanese version) to progress like a normal human being and become stronger. Instead, since the anime was successful as it was with Ash always on an adventure to become the best he never did. He always remained the same, just a kid named Ash. I forget who it was that pushed the creator to keep it the same with the same formula, instead of making Ash older thus making the anime a different series. Ash would have matured, he would have become bad-*** but instead he's still a weak newbie. In the Manga, Red is what Ash should have been. I don't know if Red ever became the Master but if anyone did it would be Red not Ash. Red becomes the Champion I think, Ash doesn't.

  • Get all 493 pokemon and make them all level 100 and make them all be really good. And that takes a really long time if you dont have an action replay. Oh and be a master of strategy, thats what you need to be a pokemon master.

  • Pokemon Master is really just kinda a unreachable goal thing. Its not a official title. The closest you could get to that with a official title would be Pokemon Champion by beating the elite 4 and the champion.

  • train your pokemon alot catch all the pokemon or trade them. make them learn moves and always treat them nice

  • listen you haft to catch them all and do practice if don't you are sooooo! all the moves of your pokemon to have perfect sink.

  • you catch all 151 pokemon.

    p.s. you are so cute!

    k bye.

    OH look up online where to find certain pokemon, and make sure to visit all cities.

  • ..i always had wanted to own a pokemon ..and make friends with it charazard...i would love to fly on that. or just in general have pokemon

    Haha...tahs a gr8 question though..

  • action replay its a cheat device takes a minute to do

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