why is batista a main eventer?

i mean he doesnt have great in ring abilities, neither is he great on the mic. he promos consist of mumbling through most of it towards the end d start shouting threats.

at least guys like shelton benjamin, mvp, evan bourne, john morrison and the miz i could go on.... are awesome in one area at least, shelton with his in ring work, mvp on the mic, evan in ring also etc.

can anyone explain why batista is in the main event?


  • Thank you,I agree with you 100% he isn't a good wrestler and he is very boring on the mic and in the ring.Seriously he is in the main event because of his size. He I bet if he was the size of Jamie Noble he would not be in the main event.Really he is really in the main event because of Evolution,I telling you Ric Flair and Triple H carried him though it. Now he is well know for that and a lot of little kids like him so he is in the main event. Honestly though I didn't think he was good in Evolution and I don't think he is good now,seriously he will never compare to Ric Flair or Triple H and I think Randy Orton has already surpass Batista,Orton has always been a good in ring performer and he is good at mic skills as well. Batista is boring I really think your right guys like Shelton Benjamin,MVP,Bourne,Morrison etc. should be in the main event because they are good in ring performers and all have good mic skills in my opinion.

  • Because of his size, strength, crowd reaction, his merchandise sells a lot, he became friends with Triple H during the Evolution days and Triple H put him over at Wrestlemania 21 which was the start of a bright new future for him.

  • Luck, i guess.

    He sniffed around HHH's butt and got to be in one of the most influential stables in WWE where he got some great tips from legends like Ric Flair.

    Also, Vince really loves Big guys which explains where Vladimir Kozlov has come from all of a sudden with an undefeated streak that has spanned 6 months and most of the cruiser-weights on SD!

  • La Parka still rocks is WRONG Batista is 39 but hes a Grandfather.

  • now to be fair he did have good in ring abilities but age is playing its part he is in the 40 club, the main reason is vince still likes the big muscled wrestlers even if they are not very good and he is good friends with triple h so even though he is losing his technic due to age he will stay in the main event until he calls it a day.

  • Batista can be slow and boring at times but still he can be Explosive in 2005 he was great now he's not doing fantastic

  • Santino should be in the main event. wwe is only making him look bad. he is amazing on the mic. he is 10 times better then batista

  • Possibly because he was in evolution few years back and ever since the split he's had a massive push, why for that? Don't know. There are much lower rated wrestlers that do much better than him.

    I mean....... I even remember sometimes when he was in evolution and he had losing streaks and often seemed to be the weakest.

  • because he takes roids which gives him better physique so now vince wants him 2... if i started eating roids for breakfast and dinner id be a main eventer aswell, id also be disgusting like botchtista

  • well never know


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