Drama Class video ideas? ASAP PLEASE?

So for my 8th grade drama project my friend and I are making a video. I want to use as many editing techniques as I POSSIBLY can to make it 'cool' and also want to add a stop-motion video into it

SO: :)

Please can I have ideas on what to do it on? Please nothing lame like my friends and I at school or homework.

An idea was "a five minute day' where I do something about a persons day in a 5 minute vid.

Please I really need a video idea with opportunities for cool editing such as cloning and invisible blankets too


  • It's timely and can be very moving: The five minutes in the life of a bullied teenager. I'd like to see that, actually. Maybe even what life "at home" is like for the most bullied person. Does he or she go home to a good family or does the family ignore or abuse him or her? Does he or she go to his or her room and cry, pretend to be a rock star or look in the mirror and continue to hate themselves.

    The stop-motion can be when he or she is about to be slugged in the face, or somehow abused and how he or she stops it -- or how someone else stops it?

    Because a child or teen who is bullied, to me, is a great way to make awareness of how our actions or lack of actions can and will affect someone elses life.

    I think you'd get some great marks for such a piece, too.

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