YES i AM A DORK[; answerrr please?
YEAUHHH i know this is in polls and surveys but alotta people answer here so why not? books and authors is kinda slow tuhnight,, SOOOO;
i need more books to read[: mmmhm !
_i will NOT ever read a book without the slightest dash of romance.. idkk it just has to have romance in it[;
_and please no more books that are just CLICHE and same old books with the new girl in school and she gets the really hot guy and he knocks her up and then he ditches her,, [[ lol not all of them go like that ]]
_ _i want something new and not like other books[:
the books i'm into:…
PLEASE DO >NOT< LOOK AT HOMECOMING, A WRINKLE IN TIME, AND TREASURE ISLAND as books i liked.. those were just my summer reading.. so PLEASE don't base ur suggestions on those three[; thankss
again.. thanks so much[: love ya all !
[[ except trolls. they should just screw themselves lmao ]]
LMFAO; suggested categories ; Society & Culture > Cultures & Groups > Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
The link doesn't work, sorry.
I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing middle school age. If you want really good books-
A Day No Pigs Would Die and A Party of the Sky by Robert Newton Peck. The Soup books were really good, too, but a little young for you.
Something for casual reading- try the series of Witch books by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.
The Anastasia books by Lois Lowry were pretty good, too.
Stay away from VC Andrews- pure crap.
Your link was broken so these are just some of my favorites.
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.
A bend in the Road, The Choice, and The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks.
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes.
Looking for Alaska by John Green.
Hope that helps some.
And yeah, Y!A tends to associate condescending terms with the LGBT section. Go figure.
Well, anything and everything by the author steven king is super good! He is the only author I read except for the twilight series(which kind of sucked)
Well I couldn't see your link, but I'd suggest
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
Youth in Revolt - C.D. Payne
Try the Complete Vampire Chronicles:
The Vampire Lestat
Interview with the vampire
Queen of the dammed
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. - Lao-Tze
That wall of text needs to come down.
read....-love undercover
-major crush (jennifer echols)
-south beach sizzle
-the boys next door
-animal attraction
-ripped at the seams
-how not to spend your senior year
-gettin luckey
-scary beautiful
-a novel idea
-prom crashers
-shes got the beat
-dancing queen
your avatar looks like a ninja cupcake :]
i like cupcakes