How do I remove my 1994 mazda AM/FM Radio with cassette player?

I want to know what you have to do to remove this...


  • It depends what model of Mazda; but on most 94 Mazdas they come out with the same removal tools that are used on Ford radios. They can be purchased at Walmart or any car audio store. The Mazda radios make you work a little harder than Ford; a Ford radio usually has 2 holes on each end to insert the removal tools. Mazda has the same holes but they're usually hidden under cover plates that have to be pried off first.

    There were still some Mazda models made in '94 that didn't use the removal tools, though; if it's one of those, you'll probably have to remove the dash panel around the radio and unscrew it.

  • im not fimiler with mazda cars but you should beable to go to auto zone or advanced auto anf get a manual by hayes or something like that thats based on the compleet teardown and rebulid of the car and it should have the remove of the radio.

  • You can verify with and try to they send you the instructions for unistall your old radio. This had been their practice for so many years. You buy the new radio, and they send you the step by step instructions to remove the old one without scratching the dash.

  • What model Mazda, you did not say?

  • check the internet but i think u just press a button and un screw it

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