Do you believe United States' troops deserve respect?

I've got an essay question. Do you respect USA troops even though some would consider the Government corrupt?


*I'm actually trying to write an analytical paper on both positions and reasons as to why someone would take that stance. I'm trying to get reasons from both sides


  • Are you asking for help with your homework, or just fishing?

  • I respect the military service men and women. Even tho the government and maybe even the military branch itself is corrupt, I fully respect them. They are putting their countries matters ahead of their own. Very self less act. Some of them even put their lives on the line got to respect that. They really putttheir lives on hold. BUT I'm against the wars...I believe they are our fault. We bomb the crap out of them for 30 years....we kill civillians and call it war expense. It's what happens. But when they attack in 9/11 we get all pissed off?! This is Murica you don't do that here!! No one cares about the middle eastern but they care about the American. We even gave the Taliban weapons in the 80s. There Taliban training comes from where? The fbi training book they have that they somehow got their hands on okaaaay....weapons of mass destruction? Hmmmm never found. Just a way to get over ther. Bush waswwarned by his own people. The SECRETARY OF DEFENSE warned him but he didn't listen. He even said after the terrorist attacks we never would of imagined being attacked this is that why that week (I forget what organization it was...) The people who think of ways terroistd attack to fight against and be ready against. Is that why they had a drill that week over terroudts highjacking planes??

  • Do not know what one has to do with the other....I served 30 America's most elite forces.....(Green Berets, Rangers, Airborne)...... I am and was highly critical of our government and its military fiascos.....

    United States military troops put their life and body on the line everyday.....why would they NOT deserve respect irrespective of the government policies.... why is one connected to the other.....the military does not MAKE policy.....they enforce the will of the people

  • Yes I respect them, they have given their lives for you, me, and the rest of the country. The one's I don't have respect for are the sexual harassment guys. Those guys can burn in hell

  • I respect them for risking their lives for everyone less they give up so much for America they're the true heroes

  • Respect for joining in with two illegal wars as opposed to taking a moral stance against them by refusing to kill for your corrupt government and corporations? No way!

    All your country ever does is cause trouble and start wars, anyone who is a part of that is a criminal, not a hero

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