DEP Process...............?

So I'm in the process of enlisting...and I'm also currently in college. My recruiter is telling me to just start processing and I can DEP until at least the end of the semester. He's also telling me that when I finish this semester I will be eligible for a higher paygrade. The thing I don't understand is this...If I start processing now, wouldn't my paygrade be based on the amount of credits I have now? Or, since I'm DEPing, would it be based on the amount of credits I have at the end of this semester. My recruiter was kinda straddling the fence and didn't have a straight answer. He said he would "get back to me." That was 2 weeks ago.

Any thoughts?


  • I'm DEP right now. This may clear it up for you.

    DEP can be up to 1 Year.

    Your contract doesn't mean anything until you go back to MEPS and sign the contract when you ship out. That is the one that matters! That is when you will make sure you rank is correct, your bonuses are on there, etc.

    You can put it off and they aren't allowed to ship you before that date but like I said it is only for 1 year max. Now you won't receive any benefits of military until you ship out but you will get a DEP card to allow you on base which is nice. Get on and meet people, learn the way of life on base, etc. That is helping us a lot!

    Good luck!

  • Your recruiter has a quota to make each month. He doesn't care about you AFTER you sign up. The reason he said to you I'll get back to you, is because he knows that no matter how many credits you have, you will still go in as a recruit, nothing more. Your pay will be as an E-1

  • If it were me, I would get two years of college and then request entry to Officer Candidate School (OCS) and become a Commissioned officer. The pay is better than being enlisted but you have more responsibilities.

  • It depends on which service and how many you credits you have now.

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