Do cops actually know Marijuana is not bad?
What do you think about arresting someone with a dime bag of weed? Does it make you feel big? Or do most cops know its not even bad or dangerous but arrest because its part of the job
What do you think about arresting someone with a dime bag of weed? Does it make you feel big? Or do most cops know its not even bad or dangerous but arrest because its part of the job
the few educated police officers know how safe marijuana is. However most cops are easily blinded by the prospect of a $200 bonus for busting a decent amount of herb. The bonus usually requires a sell-able amount of marijuana though.
It is not a cops job to decide if it is bad or not. All a cop cares about is if it is illegal or not. Cops are hired to enforce state laws. As long as the state wants marijuana to be illegal, then a cop is obligated to enforce the law.
You can argue the health risks of marijuana all you want. I'm not a doctor so I don't have an opinion. What I do know is it is common for unemployed dopers to steal car stereos and trade them for a bad of pot. You can't tell the guy with a smashed window and missing stereo that marijuana is not bad.
Potheads are the most annoying people ever. I don't have a problem with people smoking but when you start acting like its the coolest thing ever that's when I want to punch you in the face. Cops do what there supposed to do. If your not a douche maybe he won't arrest you. Get a life
Yeah this world would be so much better if they'd stop arresting people for breaking the law.
The police don't the option of deciding what laws to enforce.
It doesn't matter is marijuana if bad or not. It is ILLEGAL. That is the ONLY thing that matter.
Note: I am NOT accepting the premise that it isn't bad.
sure they do, but its illegal. anyway, who would you rather try and arrest, a drunk or a stoner? drunks tend to be quite a bit more violent.