My cat seems depressed ?
My cat was a stray before we got him three years ago,so he often goes out and comes in whenever he pleases.I know that it is common for cats to get less playfull when they grow up,but i feel that there's a big diffrence in my cat now .He lost his appetitte he doesn't even want to eat fish (he has lost weight ),when he usually lies down his sleeping but now he is lying down and staring blankly.Is there anything that i can do ? It's killing me to look at him like this.
What you're looking at is an illness of some kind, not depression. He may be suffering from just about anything under the sun, especially if he's not vaccinated. Please have him examined.
Often times, a cats behavior doesn't "just suddenly change." There's something physically wrong with him that you should have seen by a vet immediately. Whenever a cat just will not eat, acts lithargic and lost weight, there is an illness to be blamed.
If your vet doesn't find anything wrong with him, you may want to get a second opinion. I understand it can be expensive, but it'd be better than losing your precious kitty.
Again, if the second opinion still finds nothing. He may just be depressed. Think back, has there been any major changes in your (mainly his) life? A big move? Another pet passing away or suddenly disappearing? Are you spending the same amount of time with him? Are there new pets? It very well MAY be stress from something that's changed in the enviorment, cats are very picky about these things. When my cats housemate (a dog) passed away, she went through a week of odd behavior, less eating, and sleeping more than usual. I did have her checked out, but wasn't too worried as her and the dog were very close. After about another week, she pretty much returned to normal. So if it's stress, after a little while, he will be back to his old self. Just make sure to give him plenty of love and attention.
Try petting him and talking to him in a loving voice while you're trying to get him to eat. Don't ask me why, but it works. When my kitty refuses to eat, I just get down to her level and pet her and talk to her sweetly and she goes about eating.
But mostly, have him seen about by your vet as soon as you can, it really just sounds like there's an illness. Since he's an outside/inside cat, there's no telling what he could've gotten into. Best of luck with your kitty.
Don't feel guilty for not letting her out - you're taking good care of her by keeping her inside where it's safe! The average inside cat lives TEN YEARS longer and is healthier than an outdoor or indoor/outdoor cat. Do you give her toys, or do you play with her? I'm not sure how far along you are with your recovery, or how much playing with her you can do, but if you can move an arm without pain you should be able to use one of those fishing-pole toys. Is this something that's started since you had the surgery? It may be that she's picking up that you're not well, and she's worried about you. But do keep an eye on her to see if she shows any other signs of anything being wrong, like loss of appetite or anything, just in case.
Show your cat some love and affection. If you can't get your cat to play then just pick up your cat and love on him. Talk to him, groom him, and just sit there and watch t.v. If you know a time of day (when you're at home) when your cat does like to play, then play with him. Use a couple of shoe strings tied together, a laser light, feathers, etc.
If he doesn't seem to get better after a few days to a week take him to the vet. Of course, you could take him to the vet now and still give him a lot of love and affection.
I Would Get Your Cat To The Vet.
First of all you need to go to the vet and have him checked out.since he is going out some one might have given him something like posion or got into antifreeze if I was you I be at the vets office yesterday.Take the cat to the vet today if you can and keep him inside there are alot of sick people in this world.have him checked for hook worms or any other worms but Hook will kill him and they stop eating and lose wt. fast so please bring him to a vet ASAP
Maybe you can invest in some good old cat nip.
My cat started getting really lazy and seemingly unhappy (hes only 2 years old) and i purchased these catnip bubbles...he really enjoyed playing with the bubbles...they sourt of sparked his happiness again i think
OR...maybe your cat is ill , not eating is a sign of being sick(A good visit with the vet cant hurt) OR depressed! just like you said!
Crazy as it seems, my aunt has a cat who is on prozac!!
Good luck with this!!
Take your precious cat to a GOOD vet asap. Don't wait for the heartache of loosing your pet. Also, the cat is NOT old.
Take him to the vet...if he is not eating to the point of losing weight then something is wrong, even if it is depression and the vet can help you (medicine and such). Good luck.
animals can get depressed (my dogs get DEPRRESSED when i am away) but this is not depressed this is more serious asap vet i would say good luck hope there is no bad news![:) :)](