Aquarist as a career?

After long thought, I decided I'd like to be an Aquarist.. You know, zookeeping with Marine Animals.. What I'd like to know, is how do you become one? What type of school would I have to go through? I'm taking a few pre-vet courses at a local career center from a vet, can that help? Also, I'm a volunteer (now employee) at an animal shelter.. Will that help?

Any answer will help me greatly. I've looked online but nothing can give me a straight answer with a list of things to do.. Thanks. =)


  • Work with animals will help but you will need education in something such as

    Environmental Engineering or a Biology Degree

    Volunteer at an Aquarium and tha will be your #1 best way to move into the career.

    I'm currently writing a career article for aquarist careers. The article wont be published until Sept but if you would like to email me I can send you a summary of my findings and interview.

    You can email me [email protected]

  • look up marine biologist

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