How do u get a car audio sponser?


  • to get a sponsor you will have had to have built show winning cars before on your own.then sign a contract on how many national car shows a year you are going to go to.they are not going to sponsor someone who has never had their previous cars in magazines etc.

  • what? unless you have a race car or work for a car stereo company I doubt that will happen buddy. Car audio equipment isn't cheap. If you have to save your money I would suggest you use your limited funds on something more important. Good luck....

  • your best bet is to go to your local audio shop tell them u want them to sponsor u make them an offer say u drop 5% and i get a big *** sticker that says "insert name here" on the side of your car and please dont try to do some car with looks horrable with $10000 in subs

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