Pretty girls name or not?


Pronounced like carly-uh, or car-leah, same thing :) I like May, Brooke and Georgia as middle names.

Opinions? i'm not going to get all upset if someone doesn't like it lol. Everyone has an opinion so fire away :}


  • I like Karlia! I like the way the K looks better than the C haha it also sounds really nice with May as a middle name. Karlia May. Nice ring to it lol

  • Karlia May

  • I love them! They're so pretty! I think you should go with Karlia Brooke.

  • Yes! Karilia Georgia sounds pretty, and unique(: Trust me, people who have odd/ uncommon names are much happier than Sarah's and Haley's, at least from what I've observed.

  • carlia is looks pretty in cursive and innocent

  • It reminds me of a place thats sorta spelled like that, karelian.. I think, not sure. But I dont like it, sorry.

  • I like it, it's somewhat unusual. Be sure you like the meaning though!!! :P

  • I dislike it, sorry.


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