how to dispose of religious paraphernalia?

I have a very old ceramic pope (or some other religious figure) that stands about 10 inches tall. It was once my grandmothers and has been stored in my closet for years. I'd like to get rid of it, but I'm not sure what is the appropriate protocol for disposing of such a thing. My mom seems to think it should be buried. Any thoughts?


  • have a yard sale

  • I would offer it to either the church your grandmother attended or the nearest one to your home. The priest will know exactly the proper way to use or dispose of it.

    If you are afraid or don't want to give it to a priest, just leave it standing by the door.

  • I know that in Judaism, it is common practice to bury religious paraphernalia, but I wouldn't know if Christians have the same practice.

  • I don't like religious jokes. I don't think it's a joke at all.

  • Offer it on FreeCycle!

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