TX: Do I qualify for unemployment?

I live in TX and have been with my company for 2yrs. Last week I caught the flu and they have me on suspension now because i missed 3 days of work. I will find out tomorrow if I have been fired... Just some more information on the whole thing... I had a docs note and was advised by my doc to stay home beacuse I had a bad case of the flu. Does this qualify me for unemployment? Thank you.


  • Basic rule of thumb is that you lose a job of no fault of your own. The fact that you have not lost yoru job means you are probably a little early. I would not sit back and wait on them to decide. They can only fire you if you broke a policy. There is no "just" policy or enforceable policy that would allow an employer to fire you for being sick. They can allow you time off without upay if you have no "time off" accrued.

    Also - if they fire you , make sure you ask for your Employee file. that will be important because they likely will lie and say that you were fired for abandoning the job or something that would disqualify you. Employers and managers are required to give you written warning and if they only verbally told you about the suspension then that is not something you have to agree to. You have rights as an employee. Once you are fired, those rights may disappear. There is also a FLMA LAW THAT SHOULD PROTECT YOU FROM LOSING YOUR JOB. It's called family leave medical act. It is for someone who is going to have an extended absence with a Dr. notice. I'm assuming you notified your emplyer of your sickness and also have documentation of that.

    Also - Don't sign anything. You can refuse and if they fire you for being sick that is probably wrongful termination. I suggest you call before close of business and demand to know what you've done wrong and to see your employee file immediately. They are legally required to give you access to that informatin.

  • I’m almost positive you don’t qualify. Here’s the link for more information.


    Good Luck!

  • yes, you qualify. soon, most everyone will be on unemployment so long as the printing presses do not break.

  • When you were sick and stayed home, did you let your employer know that? If you did, they can't fire you.

  • i sure hope you do. what kind of shithy job that you had no sick days?? after 2 yrs? unless you used them all up of cours.....

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