why do i have menstrual like cramps a day after my period?

its been 2 days after my period and im having cramps like if i was on my period i dont know why but i have been having stress, does anyone know why? and it is mostly where my left ovary is where the pain is. i am not sexually active! my hips and back are sore


ive had this for four days now and its been five days after my period


  • Could be growing pains? Or your hormones shifting causing your ovaries to do something to cause pain, could be an ovarian cyst, could be kidney related... Just keep an eye on the pain

  • I have cramps after my period also, Im not sure why tht is but i just thought it was my body getting over my period, cause i had after cramps since my very 1st period.

  • Your uterus is just contracting still, it's making sure everything came out.

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