how do you convince your dad for a dog?

ok well Let me tell you how i got in this situation:

my mom, sister, and I have wanted a dog for EEVVVEEERRR so my aunt who vollunteers at a shelter, found dog that they rescued from the streets, that they were gonna put-down bc he was "too pathetic to put up for adoption" so of course my aunt took him and gave him to us to adopt. but he growled a LOT and my dad Reeallly dident like him so we gave him back to my aunt to keep. he was really not a good dog to start with bc he wasent house-trained or anything sooo... Anyway. So im going to a dog-camp with a REALLY good dog of my aunts (not the first one) and everyday we go to pick up the dog from my aunts house. But today when i got home my dad asked how i would like it if the good dog that im taking to camp slept-over at my house one night. like 1 week ago he said NO way that he cood stay. so I REALLY want to have the dog make a good impression on my dad so that the dog can live with us. BTW my aunt is TOTALY okay if we took the dog and kept him. PLZZ help. I really want a dog


ok We had the first dog for 1 year trying REally hard to train him but he was 15 and my dad had no pataciance. It wasent like we "traded" him, my parents said we HAD to give him back to his orgional owner. We tried very hard to keep him. Idk y im arguing about this, you dont understand my situation and u woodent unless u were me so plz dont judge unless u no wat ur yelling about.


  • Remind him when he first got married, Tell him it's more or less the same, Except the sex is better.

  • One night isn't going to do squat - either dad's going to like the dog or he isn't. Either the dog will "behave" or it won't. If dad doesn't like the dog, then there's nothing you can really do. Period. End of.

    And i have to say: The first dog didn't work out because the OWNERS didn't bother to properly train it - not because "he was really not a good dog to start with". It wasn't house trained, so what? That's YOUR job - dogs don't automatically come trained. It's up to you to set a schedule and keep to it, to clean up any messes, and make sure the dog LEARNS that it has to go outside.

    There is every possibility that this new "good dog" will learn poor behaviors or un-learn good ones after living with a new family for a while. It happens. If your family isn't dedicated to proper training and care, don't get a dog. Simple.

    Dogs are not objects you can just trade in if they don't work out, FYI. If you aren't going to be DEDICATED, and i mean dedicated, to caring for and training this new dog then don't even bother. Dogs are a lot of work - as i said, this new dog could un-learn good behaviors and learn bad ones EASILY.

    It isn't always hugs and kisses owning a dog.

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