I got this bad GCSE grade and i was wondering if i can do A-levels. The gcse results i got was
English/Lit=both E
Science= 4 C's
Can i still do A levels in Business, Ict and economics?? or should i retake both english and math and if i do retake how long will it take?? i wanna go to university
i study english since 14 i men so 2 yrs
Most A level courses require you to have at least a C in Maths and English
Most university courses that puts empahsis on mathematical components require you to have at least a B e.g. economics, IT
If you are serious about going to university, I recommend you spend time working on your maths and english during your AS (yes, it means you can still do A Levels but it's provisional and conditonal on you getting the necessary grades in your re-sits): get a mentor or a teacher and have a serious one-on-one.
In these one-on-ones you should:
do practice exam questions and explain to the teacher your thinking process
get a Letts revision guide and examine, in detail, the difference in answers and the grades they get because of it
take a serious look and examine your own strengths and weaknesses
ask the teacher where you are going wrong and what your mental blocks are
I also recommend you look into the GMAT, which is like a very advanced and mastery use of GCSE english and maths. Getting yourself to do some of the questions and learning from them will get you thinking laterally and comprehensively. Despite it's purpose as a test, it's not as inapporpriate as it may seem and you will get a real kick out of it.
Hope this helps
I really hope that school will NOT let you take A Levels, because you quite clearly aren't up to it.
It is all very well saying you want to go to University, but the whole point of Uni is to enable students to study at a high level with a view to getting a degree.
I have invigilated at GCSE exams and seen the papers - to have got the grades you did you are either not sufficiently academic or didn't work hard enough. Either way you should NOT be able to continue any sort of academic education.
What you should be thinking about is where your skills DO lie. A course at a technical college aimed at learning a trade such as plumbing or electrics would probably be more useful.
Just out of interest, this is how your question SHOULD appear:
I got these bad GCSE grades and I am wondering if I can do A Levels. The GCSE results I got were:
Maths = E
English Language and Lit = both E
French = E
Science = 4 Cs
Can I still do A Levels in Business, ICT and Economics?? Or should I re-take both English and Maths and if I do how long will it take?? I want to go to University
Right, I'm sorry that this probably isn't what you wanted to hear, but you have to have 5 C - A* grades including a grade C or above in maths and english. Obviously you haven't got that, and were no where near considering your appalling spelling and grammar. I've just had my results too, and I am all set for sixth form, just go to make final choices for what AS levels I'm doing. I'm not going to list my results and sounds as though I'm bragging, but lets just say I had no concerns about whether my results would be good enough to do A Levels, it was pretty much a given. But even I am worried about the amount of work I will be taking on sixth form, I started AS Level maths in Year 11, and came out with a D so I will be starting again.
The point it telling you all that, is that I've seen how hard A levels are, and I think you really need to ask yourself if you're capable. And please do no just aim to go to university because you think thats what you should do, think about it properly. Doing a vocational course at college would probably be a better route for you.
GCSEs are taken on the age of sixteen and peopel take approximately 10, so maximum folk be waiting to do them, they arent that not person-friendly. A-ranges are lots greater sturdy, taken at 18 and maximum folk do approximately 4. A B at a point is greater clever than an A* at GCSE (A* being the precise grade at GCSE) as long as you get above some D it is greater clever than a GCSE playstation No theory what a point 3 is, even even though it isn't any form of point for A-point or GCSE
Wow, theyre that bad? Well, you got 4 C's in science? Are they proper GCSE's or BTEC's, if they are you might be able to get in and retake maths and English so you have 6, if theyre BTEC's I'm afraid your screwed and will have to settle for a lower course. Your points score matters aswel, so maybe not alot of colleges will take you on anyway.
Your grades are very servered so I'm doubting wether any college would actually take you on and let you resit, and if you do find one you might get 3 resits max, but its always worth a try, phone around to colleges and ask them personally.
If you cant find one you can always settle for a lower course besides A level, you can still get to uni, its not the end of the world.
Right listen to me- first of all - to move you need to get at least 5 GCSE C or above- and with that you should be able to go on to A- Level- But please focus yourself and believe in yourself and if you really want it- go for it? speak to your school and see what options are- maybe doing. but the outcome is up to you and will not be given to you on a plate- I left school with worse results than this- after being a cleaning for years did I realise it was up to me I did something about it- went back to nights class and over a peroid of 12 years- 6 GCSE, 4,Bs and 2 As, 1 A level C and the BA hons Degree in Business Studies 2:1- It is up to you- but do not leave it to late- I now have very good job. But do not wait and good luck
It doesn't look like you've done well enough to carry on and do A levels, even if you did you might struggle and come out with really bad results.
If you still want to re-sit your GCSEs and carry on to A-levels you might want to re-think your subject choices as both economics and Business studies have significant essay components and written English does not appear to be your strong point.
Good luck with everything!
For goodness sake, if you can't pass GCSEs however do you expect to cope with an A level course?
You need to retake significant numbers of these, and pass them at at least grade C and preferably B or A if you want to do A levels. You're looking at 3 years in the sixth form at this point, and you would be well advised to go have an honest discussion with a teacher about whether A levels are a practical option for you.
It really depends on the course and college, but if you cant do A levels you can still do BTECs, or NVQs and I'm sure you can still go to uni, if you have a BTEC qualification, for example a BTEC national diploma is equivalent to 3 A levels, which will get you into uni, but you will have to get a C in both maths and english.
you can do some A levels without having a gcse in them. Check which ones they are and if that doesn't work out, apply for resits. Good luck!