1000 calories per day?
I made up this week's meal plan, and the total calories per day was 1027 calories. I am trying to lose weight.
I've read online that even when losing weight, the minimum calories should never be lower than 1200. So, I'm wondering, does the calorie count matter as much as the foods I'm eating? I will be eating things like V8 Juice, low fat oatmeal, gluten-free chicken wrap with raw spinach, apple slices, special K fruit crisps, and low sodium campbell's chicken noodle soup on a daily basis.
Again, does the calorie count matter as much as where the calories are coming from?
I'm going to try to lose 2 pounds a week. My idea is do to a 30 minute jog every morning right after I wake up. On days I have work at night, I can do wii fit after school. On days I don't have work, I can go to the gym.
Anyway, 1000 calories enough?
Yes What, is your body going to magically shut down if you don't eat those 200 calories? Jesus had like 500 calories a day and He is perfect, so I'm pretty sure you're fine.
oh no this is waaaay too little. Your physique desires a minimum of 1200 to maintain the organs "alive". you desire way extra advantageous than 1200. you would be able to desire to calculate your BMR and then multiply that selection with the actual activity scale you will locate on line. in simple terms google it. besides in case you proceed ingesting that little, your physique would be lacking of capability and it won't fuction precise, you will get extra companies for ailments and ailment because of the fact your immune protection would be susceptible. Your physique would be lacking a selection of of minerals and supplementations you will possibly routinely get with the aid of ingesting a balanced, healthy ddiet that has the correct quantity of kcal. I have not got any thought how old you're, ur weight hight or something so i will no longer be able to assert for specific what number kcal you desire. yet women people desire approx 1500 on a weight-help plan with particularly tricky actual activity. Calculate it once you detect the size for a extra precise selection propriate on your activity point. in case you desire to lose 1lbs a week then attempt to have a 500kcal deficit consistent with day, the two with the aid of burning them off with workouts or with the aid of ingesting somewhat much less. I propose a blend. Now in case you detect out you desire 2000kcal an afternoon in accordance to ur activity point you're taking 500 off and you will understand what you desire like 1600. it is an occasion yet try for urself.
no if your going to be doing exercise your going to need more calories for energy