Do i have a mental disorder?

I always talk to myself as if someone is there with me. Usually its a agreement or a disagreement. I also always have these crazy fantasys and ive been told i have a very strong imagination. But i just wanna clarify if this is a problem or not. Does anyone else have the same issue? This has been happening ever since i was a little.


  • The real issue is whether it interferes with your life and whether it's something you can basically control. If it isn't a problem for you, it isn't a disorder, especially if you're younger.

  • Remember this- It is only a disability if you say it is a disability. Is it a problem or an obstacle you can get over? Here is a tip- if your mind is splitting between agreements and disagreements, or has different opinions, write them down- I know it is tedious. It can even be on the computer, a word document if you want. Just make sure that each opinion that you have is stated, and each of your mind's fantasies are written as well. Art may help you out a LOT here. When you make something artistic, do not try to put a structure to it, make it reach all the way to the part of you that isn't revealed. Don't even try to draw something you can't do, just do something that is super easy, and work hard at making it reflect inside. Art is therapeutic. I have been in a similar situation, and I think the best thing for you to do is to know yourself a lot better. And keep a positive attitude if possible.

  • One possibility is Dissociative identity disorder, or dissociative disorder not otherwise specified.

    (The first one is the technical term for multiple personalities, the second one is fairly similar.)

    I know somebody with DID, and I've done a lot of studying on dissociative disorders for fun (it was in my psych 101 textbook, we weren't required to read it, but I love psych)

    IM me sometime and I'll see if either of those could be it. My SN is alyssasmokes

    Also, I'm a complete psych nerd so I know of other disorders that could have similar symptoms.

  • If you have insurance, you have a mental disorder.

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