How do you decide to delete contacts?

Just wondering............


  • I am very careful who I add but if I add somebody new and then BAM!!!! I get reported I give them the block and send them on their way. Nothing personal just have to protect my account.

  • Haven't deleted any of my contacts, they are my friends.

  • by deleting my level 6 account, i hate hurting peoples feelings

    i started over and looked for all of my contacts that i truly liked

  • I go through and see if some have been deleted and remove them. If they haven't been around for awhile and if they haven't added me as one.

  • i decide not to delete any


  • If they are rude and insulting. If I don't want to be in contact with them. If they changed address.

  • I don't. Not even accounts that have been deleted, lol

  • If they remove a lot of questions before I get to see them. Or if they get into a big rut of sameness.

  • when i get alot of violations and notice new fans

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