god of war 1 e 2, resident evil 4, star wars the force unleashed, gta san andreas, battlefield 2, bully, need for speed carbon, medal of honor european assault, fifa street 2, black, shadow of colossus, burnout 3, mortal kombat shaolin monks e the punisher
god of war 1 e 2, resident evil 4, star wars the force unleashed, gta san andreas, battlefield 2, bully, need for speed carbon, medal of honor european assault, fifa street 2, black, shadow of colossus, burnout 3, mortal kombat shaolin monks e the punisher
Os melhores, dos melhores jogos de PS2 que tem mesmo são esses: god of war 1 e 2, resident evil 4, GTA Sanders, Black, e futebol.
Esse é o top 6 dos melhores jogos de PS2 da historia....
Boa noite!
1-shadow of Colossus
2-god of war
4-Area 51
5-Max Payner