Why didn't we destroy Iran's nuclear program yet?

why haven't we just sent a F-22 over Iran and blowup the reactor(s) and send their scientists to go see Allah? Before they make a nuke. why doesn't the administration grow a pair and nut-up?


  • we are waiting for the next president to do it!! ME!

  • well,i guess it depens who are "we'..

    we-including me=israel- we haven't destroy them yet because we cant fight with the whole world,and we cant take the risk of 3ww. we cant do it when obama is the president of the usa. we cant do it when we still can fight them without one bomb...and we fight them now in our special ways, but i suppose the right day will come ,sooner or later-we will destroy them and send them to hell,right next to allah,

    we-the western states-the usa-probably you? -you didnt do that because you ,unlike us-dont feel it's something that really risk your existence,

    iran will never start a war with the usa,it will only if israel attack her but not o minute before-so you dont c any need to attack it now.

    in addition,the agenda of obama cant afford a war..you must talk first.

    and concerning the current fight-the usa fight now together with the uk and israel-again,in their special ways...

  • Maybe the U.S should diffuse its own nuclear bombs first and lets have a nuclear free world. But the U.S isn't doing it which makes us hypocrites.

  • Because they have a legal right to a nuclear program.

  • usa, israel and iran hate sunni arabs, they are allies in iraq and afghanistan against arabs and sunnies.

  • we can't

    we (the world) wait and prey Israel will do the hard job and then we (the world) will condemn it.

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