do i keep my 'previous employer' a secret?

okay, so i worked at a fast food restaurant for only 5 days then quit, citing my reason as 'to continue my studies' as they wouldnt let me leave when i told them the job was unsuitable for me and such(so basically i lied about my reason for quitting). i have already had my typhoid immunisation but they have the receipts and will not return it to me as they paid for the immunisation. they did not request a refund for the immunisation. now, a week later, i am applying for a new job at another place but in my application form i blanked previous employer as i dont want them calling the fast food manager and asking about me when i'd basically lied to my previous employer as i had no other way of quitting my previous job. my new interview is tomorrow,so should i leave my past hidden or should i be honest with my new employer and risk being blacklisted (and not being paid as i'm still waiting for my cheque) for my previous job? if my new job requires me to be typhoid immunized, i have only a photocopy of the receipt to show them. so what do i do now? it's for a part time job by the way.


  • Don't tell your new employer about the job you gave up after only 5 days. You're not required to.

    Don't worry about your prior employer not paying you or black listing you. That doesn't happen. Fast food restaurants go through employees like air. They haven't given you a second thought. They don't care. Whatever you said about why you left after only 5 days, they probably don't even remember or very soon will not. It is so small. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. They're not harboring any ill will or anything of the sort. It's all wrapped up in the cost of doing business.

    Regarding the immunization record, if the new employer requires it, don't get reimmunized. Simply tell them that you were recently immunized and you will get the record. You have a right to your own medical records, no matter who paid for them. Your former employer doesn't have to provide them to you, but the medical provider does. All you need to do is go to where you got the immunization and ask them for a copy of the immunization record.

  • They would't let you leave??? typhoid immunization??? What country

  • If you had to get a typhoid shot as a condition of working there then it was overly dangerous and you should have walked out on the spot..

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