is daystar chemical co. ltd registered?

They say DAYSTAR CHEMICAL CO. LTD is registered and the have a registration no. 03444031. is this no. legit?


  • If this is regarding an online job offer, this is a scam that is asked about at least once a week. They seem to be targeting Filipino and Indian job boards specially.

    That registration number just means the company is registered in the UK for tax purposes, but they do not have any office or operations. The "address" they use is nothing but a "virtual office" - a building that rents office space by the week or allows companies to pay to receive mail there, but do not have a permanent presence. They are not listed with directory enquiries, which means they don't even have a UK phone.

    They are a Chinese company with no UK office or staff

    Remember - NO UK company will EVER offer a job to a person who has not had an in-person interview. That means if you were not flown to the UK, or you did not interview at their licensed recruiter's agency in your country, there is no job. Anyone you've never met in person offering you a job over the internet is ALWAYS going to be a scam

    Delete this and do not send any information. If you have, contact your local police as you are now the victim of fraud

  • Its a job scam, just delete it

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