Computer processor?

I have this mini computer ( not sure what model or brand ) but its kinda crappy for what Im trying to use it for and Im wanting to upgrade its processor and ram. I have already done the ram but I have this 2.8ghz processor to replace its old 1ghz.. Can I just take out the old chip and put the new one in?


And yes I have a thermal cooler for the chip that will fit in the case itself.

I have all the drivers - bios informations to go with it aswell


  • As usual the answer is: It depends...

    you will need to make sure the board will support the new CPU (both the format and the speed). You may also have to find jumper settings and bios info to get your RAM to work with the CPU clock cycles. It is possible to put a chip in that will think faster than the motherboard will allow it to work and this can cause the computer to freeze up.

    BTW be sure to put some new thermal compound between the fan and the new CPU so you don't toast your chip.

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