Braces Trouble?


Well see i have braces and they are rubbing spots all in my mouth and some of them are starting to bleed! I have tried the wax the orthadontist gave me but it doesn't seem to be helping. Also, i have that Oragel stuff wich is stuposed to numb the spots and it does but only for like 5 minutes. Anyone have addvice??


  • I actually found that if i just toughed it out, it was best. if you use the wax all the time, then your mouth never gets used to the braces. unlesss something is poking you, like a wire, don';t use the wax. i never did. use oragel, and rinse with salt water. it gelps everything a whole lot. good luck!

  • Check and see if you ortho has a different kind of wax. Mine gave me a soft and a hard wax and I found that the two worked better for different parts of my mouth.

    Also, after a while, your teeth will move and the braces will quit rubbing here so be patient. It's going to happen a lot. I just got my top ones off and it's totally worth it!!

  • that happened to me, but i just used the wax during the day. And i had a mouth guard to wear during the night, and those two things helped me a lot.

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