Exactly how do the Koch bros detract from the Tea Party's agenda?

I don't get why this matters to libs.

http://www.teaparty-platform.com/ I don't see anything so evil about the Tea Party platform. Elighten me.


  • "RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)"

  • That's a real good link to explain their platform. The devil works with LIES and deception and the weak minded just don't have the will power to understand. When you look at the lobbyists paying Congress $3.31 billion* last year and more previous years it becomes apparent that Congress is more interested in what they want than the people. This shows what they have ben donating the last 12 years.


    If you notice the main Congressmen being attacked and ostracized are the ones that don't take that much or don't even meet with them. These few have principles and yet are attacked constantly by both parities and the lobbyists media whenever they decide to say something. It makes you wonder why they don't go with the flow and join the 535 who divide up the billions they get each year. I wonder how those few ever get reelected without the millions and millions to campaign with. like McCain has taken close to half a billion and had $42 million in his war chest and spent about $22 million for his last election. Sen Kerry is next and has taken about $400 million with Sen. Clinton who broke all records bringing in $328 million in just six years!

    To verify this just click the 'politicians' deal at the top of the link go to "congress" and then put their name in the search deal on the right and it shows year by year and also total. What's interesting about this site is it breaks it down as to whom donates and how they vote there are a few other sites like this you can double heck the numbers for accuracy.

    BUT THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS Congress and politicians will spend and do what they are told the

    chicken feed' we pay them is not enough to stay in office unless they have big money backing them, hey don't care about the "budget" it's like "la la land".

    One thing for sure about Obama care is the CBO knew and projected that half a trillion would be collect in the form of penalties on businesses and the people and also excise and other taxes on people with good insurance and right now the economy cannot handle that and it's causing the businesses to not hire or only part time up to 90% of the time.

    They can fire back that he pushed the business part back to 2015 but another deception as anyone on the books as of March 2014 will be counted against the business for either giving insurance or paying the $2,000 fine.

    This shows the half trillion and is not a right or left wing site but the CBO site, look at the revised cost comparison.


    This shows the impact on jobs at 90% part time


    This all could be an elaborate deception to draw attention away from the fact that the 1/2 brother of the president got preferential treatment by the IRS and was granted tax exempt status in less than a month while the conservative groups in this lawsuit, which has been amended had to wait years.


    Here is the evidence on the brother getting treated differently by the IRS


    Every time you turn around it's some new deception and it's time for it to stop like this deal too bad but if it looks to good to be true it probably is. We need to fix Washington and that is going to take a miracle.

    Trust you can use and enjoy the links and take care.

  • They set the tea parties agenda.

  • TEA party members go to church on Sunday so Libs hate and fear them .

    Despite their belief in smaller federal government , more states rights and lower taxes , their belief in God is enough for the Libs to want them dead or imprisoned .

  • Closing tax loopholes is the LAST thing the Koch bites want to happen .

  • It let's Democrats do what they do…Spread the hate, by the tried and true method, Identify Demonize and Propagandize

  • They really have nothing to do with the T party,.

  • Lower taxes / less government is something everyone (wealthy, middle and poor) can rally behind

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