Who cares if Obama's a Muslim?

I don't believe that Obama's a Muslim, but I wouldn't even care.

Who would care if Obama was a Muslim??


My papa served in Afghanistan and made friends with several Muslims. They're not just terrorists who want to kill all Americans. Those of you who think that's all they are have just heard too much about all the bad things that some of them do. The real terrorists aren't Islamic ambassadors, they don't represent the people, the represent how stupid some people are.


  • You are 1000 times smarter then most people today. Good for you & keep it up!

    I am a Muslim American and a Veteran of the military. I served in the war. I get treated very badly by a good portion of society and even did by some of my own fellow military personnel. They weren't educated with books and thick passports+equality, they were educated with fear and hate through the use of biased Media. Media that is controlled by various organizations that have a way to freely discriminate an entire group of people with the beautiful thing we have called freedom of speech and be allowed to preach hate. Organizations such as JDL, AIPAC, FOX News, Conservative media, and etc etc. List is too big to type. They are the true reasons for wars and the foundations of racism, fear, etc. A good portion of hate groups are also listed here and will give you an exact number, locations, names of these hate groups and what they stand for accurately http://www.splcenter.org/intel/map/hate.jsp .

    Half of these people that are anti Muslim did not know what a Muslim was until after 2001 and they were educated by biased media or their own religious way of fanatic preaching/thinking. Where was this hate at this rate we are in, where was it hidden? It all came out of the closet when the law of the land allowed them to freely discriminate towards one group of people, people of the Islamic faith. To this day, you can say the dirtiest things even on the street, and most cops would do nothing as it is normal everyday OK thing to do.

    Calling me unAmerican, telling me "not a patriot", shouting racial slurs, telling me to go back to where I came from? etc etc etc. I have been called it all and then some. The only true American is the one that thinks "all men are created equal........."

  • non secular inequity has been around for a lengthy time and it isn't any longer likely everywhere. human beings concern that it is distinctive, seem at Mit Romney on the GOP area, he grow to be a mormon and that grow to be an argument. we've had enemies of all hues, religions, and areas. Our ultimate contemporary enemy is radical Islam. human beings have a complicated time seperating chum from foe on an argument that does hit close to to him. that's complicated to declare how the muslim community feels, there's a rift i'm specific. those everybody is in a watershed of kinds and that i do no longer see a speedy answer. no longer vote casting for Obama considering the fact which you think of he's muslim is basically as naive as no longer vote casting for him because of fact he's black. Vote on the subject concerns you sense strongly approximately, do no longer permit different peoples prejudice consequence your determination.

  • Only idiots who associate Muslim with terrorism. It's a faith, and just like christianity, it has members who are complete radicals. Christians have murdered more people in the name of faith than Muslims ever will!

  • No-I wouldn't care. And some of the people who answered your question are just nuts. They actually tell us to wake up, when they are living in their paranoid dream world. How sad to live in such fear, hate and judgment.

  • IF you really want to know why this would be wrong then you need to follow the link below. If you have not seen this movie, you need to. The people of this country need to wake up before its too late. Afterall, Obama did state during the campaign that we have 57 states!?! And in truth there are 57 Islamic States. Radical Muslims hate us and want us dead. They are rapidly taking over countries all over the world. We also live with them right here in this country. Wake up, get informed. The way Obama was trying to hide things during the campaign and telling the media what they were allowed to ask him or his wife leaves many people uneasy over who this man really is. Its scary.

  • I wouldn't vote for someone based on their religion.

    Even though it is a fact Obama is a Christian. Just the blind Republi-fascists love to lie.

  • Well just about every terrorist attack carried out since the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1994 is tied to Muslims, what do you think.

  • Muslems just happen to hate us Americans and women especially.

    Silly girl you probably need you face covered, your mask could cover your mouth so you couldn't speak such ignorant things.

    Then when your sweet muslim husband beats you and you have no recourse because women have no rights I will bet you will love muslims.

    Then turn to the obamanation I am sure he will come running to personally help you.

    Some people are so dumb you wouldn't think they could live so long.

  • People tend to associate Islam with terrorism, ergo they feel electing a Muslim would be America's death. It's painfully unfair and I can't stand it.

    Edit: By people I do, in fact, mean uneducated twerps like "Mutt" and "Cigs4obama" who think they're cool because they're bullying another religion.

    Edit the second: Erin (B.O. Stinks) as well. I don't care if she pointed out that "many" Muslims are good people, the point is she refused to acknowledge that you find bad eggs in every religion.

  • First, Obama isn't Muslim---He belongs or he use to belong to a very racist church for 20 years.

    Also, study up on Muslim beliefs. One belief is that if they commit suicide by killing oneself and other people; then when they die, they will get many virgins.

    So that's one of the reasons I would care if someone important was a Muslim.

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