There were some great ones. My fav is from season 2 (I think), when Weevil was doing some sleuthing of his own, and Veronica called him Dirty Harry. He doesn't like being compared to "that mick," so Veronica says, "okay then, Dirty Sanchez."
There are so many lines like that they slip by the censors--I love it!
There were some great ones. My fav is from season 2 (I think), when Weevil was doing some sleuthing of his own, and Veronica called him Dirty Harry. He doesn't like being compared to "that mick," so Veronica says, "okay then, Dirty Sanchez."
There are so many lines like that they slip by the censors--I love it!
Probably "The zoo is closed. The walrus out front should have told you!" hehe There are soooo many awesome ones though!!!
Mine's from Keith, actually:
"Next time I shoot you it won't be digitally, unless I miss and shoot you in the finger and then we'll all have a big laugh about it."