How do I set up a speaker system?

I have 2 separate rooms connecting to 1

room 1:

length: 13 ft

width: 12 ft

ceilings: 8ft lowered to 7ft in certain areas

Arch way:

6 ft width

1 ft length

7 ft height

Room 2:

width: 10

length: 8

height: 8

laminate floors

dry wall in all but one wall

I don't have a legit budget yet, but what brands and such would you suggest.

I haven't got a legitimate budget yet, I'm turning 16 so I should get at least $200 through my birthday and close to $500 from my job, which I'm probably going to use $300 towards a decent sound system.

Right now I'm just using my computer speakers, I had a really good stereo in my old house that was from about 1992 and it broke in our move so I no longer have any of it's components because my mom got rid of it in a garage sale when I could have easily fixed it... but I was gone and she didn't tell me. But she insists my small radio is enough, anyways, I have a computer, a TV, and a cheap MP3 player I use that I need the sound system for.

I listen to everything from Jazz to Death Metal to Rap to Techno, basically anything but pop, classical, and country.

Since I'm not even 16 yet and my old stereo was from 1992 I haven't really had to shop for one and my goal for summer is to get a new sound system because I'm truely sick of my lack of one.

Anyways, what are some good brands? Where should I start out?

I'm used to computer software, not anything external really haha.

Anyways, thank you, any suggestions you could give would be fantastic!


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