How do I train my RES Turtle to eat in a separate container?

hes 3 months old and when i try and feed him in a different container other than his aquarium he dosen't eat the food, he only eats in his aquarium, ive tried a clear plastic shoe box with water and a huge tub with water, but didn't eat in either and my filter cant handle the food and waste thanks.


  • ok sometimes RES only eat in their container coz they feel like it is their home and when you put them in another container they just feel like something is wronge and feel scared all what you have to do is put your turtle in the other container for sometime (like i did for my turtles) i left my RES in the other container for like 15 mints. or something and then i puted some food and they started eating coz if u just put them and add the food they will not eat coz u puted the food to early befor the get used to the new place :D

  • problematic point. search in google or bing. that will could actually help!

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