My co-worker is a control freak?

He works in tandem with the third member of the team and takes on all the work, leaving it hard for me to do anything. The previous person in my position experienced the same and they accused her of not doing any work, but I know it's because they wouldn't let her.

Every time someone asks a question, he jumps in and he dominates all conversations, talking loudly and over the top of everyone. I am so bored every day at work.

How do I deal with this?


  • Call attention to it. This person sounds like a vocal bully. The next time someone asks you a question, if you know the answer, simply answer. If and when the other person buds in say a polite "excuse me, but I have this under control thank you. And by the way, I am feeling a little bored here lately so maybe you could ease up and share a bit more of the work with me thanks.

    Otherwise, talk to your boss and tell him/her that you feel like you could be doing more but that where you are at so and so has everything pretty much under control and there is little for you to do there. Then ask to be assigned to a different department.

  • Ahh. Sounds very familiar! Needless to say, I quit the job after only a month. On my last day in the office, he had a few unkind words for me too. Such folks are insecure. He probably sees you as a threat. And so he fights back. You'll probably see a different side of him if you massage his ego on a regular basis.

  • Maybe try talking with the other employees and see what their views on it are. IF others side with you, maybe you can all agree to do your best for him NOT to hear a conversation so he has noway of being in control.

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