how do i become a computer tech. specialist?

i am really good with computers and i love technology so i wanted to now what do i need to do to become a computer tech. specialist what is the best school and if you now how much does it cost?


  • Well, I've been earning a living full time as a tech since 1992. A degree will get you an interview or in the door but Thats it. I have hired and fired people with degrees, A+, etc. They had the degree, thought they knew what to do, but had no experience. In other words, they couldn't do what I thought was a simple task. I would look for a job in a local PC shop. Tell them why and that you want to learn. Take a cut on pay, but think of it as school. Your being paid to go to school.

    To me this would be the best way to start and will help you decide which specialty you want to go to school for.

    Hope it helps,


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