Urgent! Translate a no claim certificate … heeelp?


thank you for entering in my post

I've just bought a car here in England and I have a temporary insurance from the store where I bought it and I need to get a proper insurance soon

I need to translate a No Claim Certificate from Italian to English otherwise the insurance companies will charge me like a learner

any information according it like: contact numbers, websites … will be very appreciated

thank you in advance for your help


  • You can get an approximate translation using google translate but contact the insurance company(s) to see what standard of translation they require / accept - does it need to be a professional?


    The other answers, yes they do - see link for example


  • As Timbo says, UK insurance company's will not accept a no claims certificate that is not in English or issued outside the UK. it sounds hard but that is the way it is.

  • A UK insurer will not accept a No Claims Bonus that has not been earned in the UK so no point trying

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