How do I get a 'no contact' dropped?

My boyfriend, best friend and I got into trouble. We all took part in vandalism. The damage is over $1000 and is now a pending felony. My best friend and I were released from jail. But being as my boyfriend was on probation he was not released. The judge ordered 'no contact' between the three of us. And my bf could be in jail for quite a while.

How do I get this 'no contact' dropped, so I can visit or at least write him!?

Please understand that my bf & I have been together over five years now.

We love each other too much for our own good. I'm so scared this will break us apart.



  • Only the court issuing can change the order.

    so if you convince the judge that issued it can be dropped.

  • Only the court that issued the no contact order can modify or drop it. It is standard procedure for co-defendants in a case to be barred from contacting one another. I can understand theft, even if I can 't condone it. I never understood, however, what one gets out of damaging someones property. No one I know of pays for vandalism, so the profit angle is out the window.

  • you can NOT and if you try and get caught you will find out just how much fun being in jail / prison really is from your own view point.

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