Why do so many self professed "philosophers" merely come across as pedantic?

Seriously, they are giving the movement a bad name; can't they be thrown out of the union or somethng?


  • Perhaps, rather than seeking out true enlightenment, they desire to viewed as deep and intelligent. This bothers me as well. Many seem to become "philosophical" just to be philosophical, not to actually think for themselves and draw conclusions.

    To me, philosophy is more about observation and constructive revelation as opposed to alien theory and postulation.

  • I would like to answer you but considered the question too pedantic.

  • Because philosophy, by it's very nature, encourages the adherents to be pedantic.

  • Consider the source.

  • HAHAHA.. Yeah. maybe it's because they're trying too hard. Ooops.....I answered your question in an attempt to be philosophic.....am I part of the group you're talking about? ;)

  • Devil is in the details

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