Why do my parents despise video games so much?

I understand that this sounds very childish, but I am genuinely scratching my head.

Some back story: I am 16 years old. I am, as my own dad describes me, "the most responsible one in the family". I have straight As in 11th grade. I am the least violent person you would know, having never fought anyone in my life. And I love video games, them being my favorite pastime. Even then, I only play them on the weekends, as I am focused on school during the week. For some reason, though, my parents (dad especially) absolutely HATE video games with a passion. I have no idea why, as they have never affected my parents in any way, shape, or form.

Earlier today, after playing halo 4 for about an hour, my dad started an argument for no particular reason over why I shouldn't play any games whatsoever. I found nothing he said to have any base whatsoever. He said he feels they are a "disease on society" and that they are the worst thing to happen to this family.

My dad ALWAYS ridicules my playing of games at every possible moment he gets. If my name comes up in a discussion, he feels the need to make fun of my playing of minecraft by "placing blocks all day" or "killing people all day" when it comes to halo, battlefield, etc. I know that what he says about that doesn't matter, as 20 million people play minecraft each day, and I fully understand the difference between real life war and a fictitious video game (halo, battlefield, etc.), where no one is actually harmed.

My question is: why would they (dad in particular) be so outraged over my playing of video games when they are a completely harmless form of entertainment on the weekend? Especially when he hasn't spend a dime on it - I bought my Xbox 360 and every game with my own money.


  • There are three reasons I can think of.

    1. They didn't grow up with video games and therefore don't understand they are just harmless entertainment.

    2. They are worried you might end up being violent.

    3. They might would rather you do something more constructive with your free time such as reading, going outside, being with friends or devolving a craft.

  • It's simple, he sees you wasting your time...most kids your age spend way too much time playing those mind numbing games. A game is supposed to be just that a game, played for a short period of time an hour or so at most..however most teenagers are spending 3 to 4 hours continously playing these ridiculous first person shooter games that are extremely addictive and highly uneducational

    A 16 year old knows more about the types of assault weapons and RPGs from Call of Duty that they know about anything else. The parents worry about the lack of social interaction for their children, they stay holed up in their rooms for hours on end just shooting and trying to improve the number of "headshots" or increase their "kill count" so that they can advance to the next level or get a Golden weapon. The games are rotting the brains and bodies of our young. So few participate in sports, they are all plugged into their games, ipods, cellphones, or tablets. They all have their eyes fixed on some screen...no wonder so many are being diagnosed with ADHD. It's only normal to have an ADHD problem when you are constantly overstimulated, when the stimulation is taken away you can't concentrate on anything else. So many young people will not read at all...a book, what's that ? They don't have the patience to read, don't have the patience to think, technology, games and endless other sources of entertainment have rotted the minds of the young.

  • The same thing happened with comic books and tv. It's just the difference between generations that's been going on since the dawn of time. There are writings from many ancient philosophers who expressed their feeling that the world is doomed when the younger generation takes over. It's the same old story. Why it's video games is probably because they are blamed for so much stuff nowadays (it's stupid) and gamers are portrayed as fat and lazy.

  • I have no idea, but my father has always been the same way. I think it is because video games were only played by nerdy kids until relatively recently. Ours is the first generation that is it really socially acceptable.

  • no. they are needless to say frightened with the shown fact which you apparently have not have been given any buddies. each and all the exterior activities you suggested could be finished with human beings. that is genuinely unusual which you assumed they meant do it by utilising your self. so...flow locate some buddies. additionally, 2 hours each and every morning is various time with a video interest. as much as i relish enjoying them, i evaluate 2 hour gaming training extra suitable than sufficient for myself.

  • I'm guessing that he cares for you maybe he is giving you a better future, or he thinks to much games can give you a mind of violance or trying to make you use your money responsiblely not on wasting it on games.

  • different times. your dad probably didn't grow up with video games or easy access to a console system. unlike now.

  • because the media often blames violence on video games

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