Problem with a dehumidifier?
I'm house-sitting and they have a dehumidifier running in their basement. It works, but for some reason, the condenser coils freeze with all the water it takes out of the air. Any ideas? it works perfectly except for that problem of the water freezing to the condenser coils.
Not Jebus, sorry. I don't know who that is. I've had this pciture since I first joined Yahoo! Answers in 2006.
We have the same problem happen. It's because the temperature in the basement is too cool so the condensate freezes on the coil.
I took a big (3 1/2 ft x 5 ft) piece of card board and made a V screen. I put it in front of the dehumidifier; that's where the hot, dry air comes out. This redirects some of the hot air to the back so the air immediately near the condensing coil is warm enough to keep from freezing. You can use anything to create a wall to redirect the air; cardboard, furniture, etc.
It's been working fine for the past 2 months.
Just turn if off until it defrosts and then turn it back on. Haven't seen one yet that doesn't do that.