Who is real Nazi appeaser?

I heard George W Bush talking about Obama being Nazi appeaser by wanting to talk with ennemies instead of go butt the head with them; Mr. Bush really makes me sick. Let look at history from present to the past our ennemy 911 WTC 19 are Saudi Arabians, but George W is still friend with the Saud Royal family (Osama Bin family too). Bush the father was a friend with Saddam Hussein along with Mr. Reagan. Mr. Reagan even worst than any President in term of appease with ennemy; his mouth said "no talking with terrorist(Iran)", but in the mean time he secretly sold weapons to Iran to fight our friend Iraq. Mr Nixon 1970 started open Iron Curtain with China. Mr. Bush's grand father himself during the WWII helped finance Hitler Nazi war cause.

Bush made me sick because he and his whole gang GOP presidents did the appeased and then turn around accused some one like Obama. Is Obama really Nazi appeaser or, George W Bush appease Saud Regime that intend to destroy USA, the Infidel.


Oh Yeah! I forgot Gaddafi being friend with Bush W, and thank you for giving detail about grand daddy of GW.


  • Bush is a nazi and a pea brain. I mean, "appeaser".

    Certainly, his granddaddy was. He did deals with Nazis all the time.

  • Keep in mind that Bush's family is rife with traiterous actions towards the US. His grandfather was sanctioned under the trading with the enemies act, for acting as hitler's financier.

    Also, his grandfather was part of a coup attempt against FDR. Look it up - the rich f****s contacted Gen Smedley Butler and asked him to overthrow FDR.

    Bush Sr can't account for his whereabouts during the time the Iranian President says Bush Sr was meeting with him to arrange for our hostages to remain held until after Regan defeated Carter.

    Even if that's not true, we know Bush Sr traded weapons to iran while they were holding hostages they were torturing to death! And Bush Sr helped arrange cocaine smuggling flights out of Central AMerica and illegally armed the contras as part of that whole mess.

    And Bush Jr. What an anti-American piece of work that lying, theiving, torturing, mass murdering gangster in the white house is.

  • The Saudis dont let there women drive or have jobs and they believe in alot crazier of a quran but for some reason we always turn our attention on Iran where there women can drive and own jobs oh and not to mention there leader was actually voted for unlike the Suadi Royal monarch. George W is a tool of the new world order and if he likes tools so much i got one for him. ****sucker

  • hmmm... serious charges...

    do you have any idea wat a nazi appeaser is...

    most of the arab world were and are nazi sympathizoers... kill the jews...

    talking to the enemy is impossible ... they murder the messengers...

    they rule by fear and always will...

    it takes two to hold a conversation... or its a monologue... and like late nite tv... its all a joke...

    i also know that churchhill tolerated stalin... during the war... and only did that to defeat hitler...

    my wat strange bedfellows... and yes stalin was a murdering madman as well...

    dispite popular opinion we do not choose all our enemies

  • Don't forget Muammar al-Gaddafi

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